Entrepreneurship holds the promise of a vibrant and prosperous future for West Africa. As thecornerstone of economic progress, entrepreneurship sparks innovation, job creation, and economicprosperity. Yet, the region’s entrepreneurs, despite their determined efforts, struggle to rise abovecertain barriers. A small fraction of them achieves an annual revenue of $20,000, underscoring thenecessity of a more supportive ecosystem that acknowledges and rewards their grit.The Sankalp West Africa Summit 2023that happened on June 12-13thin Accra, Ghana,provided aplatform,that brought together both theFrancophone and Anglophone countries in a celebration ofinnovation and collaborative growth. The focus was on Togo, Senegal, Côte D’Ivoire, and Sierra Leone.These countries, each with their unique strengths and opportunities, presented compelling narrativesthat attracted investor interest.