Critical industry tools launched at Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014

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  • Critical industry tools launched at Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014

Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014 kicks off today in Mumbai drawing more than a thousand people from over 30 countries.

In its sixth year now, the event is an initiative of Intellecap’s Sankalp Forum. The first-ever impact investment landscape report for India will be unveiled, detailing how $1.6 billion has been pumped into more than 220 social enterprises since 2000.

Titled “Invest. catalyse. mainstream: The Indian impact investing story”, it will showcase how 60 per cent of the capital has been invested in 15 enterprises alone, with microfinance, healthcare, agri and clean energy sector initiatives receiving about $341 million.

“The funds go to entrepreneurs and pioneer investors targeting underserved geographies and communities as well as championing newer business models. From this kind of angel funding, which is hard to access in India, enterprises are nurtured to be potentially attractive to mainstream investment firms,” says Nisha Dutta, Director of Consulting Services at Intellecap.

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